Korean Prostitute Entertaining A Client At The Hotel Azera


Here we have a Korean call girl in Incheon, South Korea posing for her Caucasian customer on a bed at the Hotel Azera. This Korean chick give us a good look at the Korean prostitution scene with pics from two meetings with the same dude. I cannot believe she allow him to photograph her face since at last check prostitution in South Kora is (a $20 billion per year industry) officially illegal. She has a crazy ill-thought-out tattoo on her lower belly that should make her easily recognizable by a Gutter Uncensored viewer or two from Korea who frequent whores. We can safely assume this chick has been around the block a few times. Aside from the being a loose woman (prostitute), she should be very popular with the johns with a death wish because of her willingness to go bareback. Anyway, share your photos/videos of your sessions with your favorite whores with whiteroboro@gmail.com if you got them. Click on pictures to enlarge.

Going raw on second date:

Source: http://www.blogywoodbabes.blogspot.com


Send more photos or videos to whiteroboro@gmail.com of scandalous behavior. Send real and uncensored pictures or videos of celebrities or politicians or person of note or any public figure to: whiteroboro@gmail.com. Please include the person's full name and a short back story. Looking for more contributions from Hong Kong, Brazil, Philippines, Japan, Mexico, China, Columbia, Taiwan, Russia, Indonesia, Germany, France, South Korea and India. But contributions from Singapore and Malaysia and ALL countries for that matter are welcome!


Thanks to an
anonymous contributor.


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